Hi everyone, great to be back writing a quick blog post on here. We are SO busy here at Amped with so much going on… but I do like to chat with you all when I can.
This year’s LEVA event was in San Antonio, Texas.

What a place! If you ever get the chance to get down there, it’s a wonderful c
During the event, I held a 12-hour workshop on using Amped FIVE. Many people had received some training before, but some were new users, and some didn’t even have the software yet. That’s one of the many things I love about FIVE — it’s so quick to get using, once you understand the interface.
The workshop concentrated on task and question orientated workflows — how to complete a desired task, and how to answer a specific question. The magic of FIVE is that you can do multiples of these in a single project.
No need to reformat or transcode in one piece of software, then edit images in another, then process video in one more. Keeping things simple means a much quicker result and that’s what we are here — to help you with getting results!
We looked at many functions and filters so I thought I would give a rundown here. It may help as a review to those who attended or be of interest to all you guys out there who may have missed a blog post over the past few years.
Please note though that workshops like these allow you to see just some specific features of Amped FIVE — you really should attend the official Amped FIVE training to learn about all the possibilities in FIVE. Check the schedule here.
The main fun was had with the new Perspective Stabilization. This was greeted with words such as “magic”, “awesome” and “game-changing”.
To see more, take a look at this recent post:
We recovered faces, text, licence plates and logos!
We looked briefly (again) at Aspect Ratio —it’s always a fun conversation. When, if, and how to change it.
Take a look at these posts to learn more:
We went on to look at footage that just doesn’t give the detail required to get a result. It’s not the fault of the user, it’s not the fault of the software. There is simply not enough detail to get the result — and detail does not always mean pixels. Take a look below to see what I mean:
Having standardized, but flexible, workflows can be a huge benefit, especially in accredited units, or those using SOP’s (Standard Operating Procedures). The FIVE Assistant helps with this providing a tool that allows structured processes. Take a look below if you have never used it before:
May I take the opportunity of thanking everybody that attended and I apologize to those that didn’t get in due to numbers. We are already looking how we can increase numbers for next year’s event in Denver.
I look forward to seeing pics of everyone drinking coffee out of their new Amped Mugs!