Presenting Integrity and Authenticity of Video Evidence at the Emergency Tech Show 2023

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Reading time: 2 min
Michelle and David from Amped Software at Emergency Services Show 2023
Michelle and David from Amped Software at Emergency Tech Show 2023

In an era where digital video evidence plays an increasingly crucial role in law enforcement and emergency response the importance of video evidence, integrity, and authenticity cannot be underestimated.

This year, Amped Software participated in the Emergency Tech Show, part of the premier annual event in the UK for the blue light sector that took place in Birmingham from 19-20 September. The conference is one of the largest showcases of emerging technologies and innovations that are driving change in emergency services.

In this article, we are excited to provide you with some resources for learning more about integrity and authenticity with video evidence to improve your investigations. Additionally, we’ll share the registration link for next year’s conference edition where you can meet us in person once again!

Let’s jump straight in!

The Challenges with Integrity and Authenticity

David Spreadborough, forensic analyst, presenting Integrity and authenticity in digital video evidence at the Emergency Tech Show 2023
David Spreadborough, forensic analyst, presenting “Integrity and authenticity in digital video evidence” at the Emergency Tech Show on Tuesday, September 19, 2023

CCTV, Body Worn Video, and witness smartphone recordings are just a sample of the many video sources now commonly used in investigations. The visual image, however, is created using digital data and, therefore, must be handled with care to ensure its reliability. It is important to follow the key principles of Forensic Video Analysis to ensure any video evidence is handled, processed, and interpreted correctly to ensure admissibility.

There are certain risks to consider when verifying the integrity and authenticity of the files, such as trusting unreliable evidence and copying files without verifying the source and destination of the copy.

David Spreadborough, a forensic analyst from Amped Software, made sure to raise awareness of these challenges in his presentation “Integrity and authenticity in digital video evidence” at the Emergency Tech show on Tuesday, September 19.

Guidelines and Resources for Agencies

To further assist agencies in addressing the pressing issue of integrity and authenticity in digital video evidence, Amped Software offers resources and guidance:

For any questions regarding the content of these materials, please feel free to contact us at

Emergency Tech Show 2024 Registrations

Amped Software is attending the show again in 2024! To meet us in person please register your interest here.

Come and meet us to learn how we can assist your organization throughout the entire investigation process, starting from the field, up to the forensic lab, and then to the courtroom.

We look forward to seeing you!

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