This year, I want to make a “year in review” blog post a bit different than usual. More than ever, I realized how important the contribution of every single person on our team is, even the less publicly visible roles. For this reason, I wanted to personally thank every single Ampedeer for a very specific contribution, but certainly not the only one!
🙇 Ross, thanks for coordinating the Robots team with your unmatched reliability through our 18 product updates for Amped FIVE, Amped Authenticate, Amped Replay, Amped DVRConv and Amped Engine in 2024.
🦇 Cristian, thanks for working on testing automation and hardware optimization of video transcoding.
🚄 Marcin, thanks for developing the Motion Detection tool and audio files support in Amped Replay. And 1000 other things.
🧑🔬 Gabriele, thanks for being our guru whenever some advanced image processing or mathematical concepts are involved. And of course, working on the Nested History Folders in Amped FIVE.
🤖 Pawel, thank you for the work on the Batch Convert DVR in Amped FIVE and the ever-evolving Annotate tool in all our products. And speed-running the development against our testers. 🤣
🔖 Zura, thanks for the huge rework on the management of bookmarks in Amped FIVE and for being the wizard of the user interface development.
🔬 Glauco, thanks for the incredible research done for the Diffusion Model Deepfake detection filter in Amped Authenticate.
📹 Matteo, thanks for working on the variable frame rate writing of videos and pushing for new programming paradigms.
🚗 Gian, thanks for being the mind behind DeepPlate, our investigative tool for AI-powered license plate dreading.
📼 Sella, thanks for tirelessly updating the conversion of proprietary video formats and their variations.
🔉 Erik, thanks for taking care of our software’s localization in multiple languages and working on the super-useful Add Log File filter.
🖥️ Mick, thanks for developing the new Floating On-Prem licensing server (spoiler: to be available soon!) and coordinating some of the most challenging software development activities.
📈 Matiz, thanks for coordinating the Humans team and for your tireless efforts in finding innovative ways to reach people who can be helped by our tools. Your work doubled the number of leads in a single year!
🗓️ Michelle, thanks for the exceptional organization of the editorial calendar, publishing this year’s 44 videos on YouTube, and our webinars about Uncertainty in Forensic Reporting, Video Investigations First Steps, and Amped Replay.
💭 Vlady, thank you for taking care of the system that is the backbone of our organization and for always being thoughtful with your insights.
🤗 Monica, thanks for making sure our invoices are always correct and compliant!
🫡 Manu, thanks for making sure Amped is running smoothly, from MANY points of view.
📊 Scarpa, thanks for making sure our product strategy is always backed by numbers!
📄 Peter, thanks for tirelessly reviewing and optimizing the more than 30 in-depth blog posts we published this year. And sorry for writing the longest article ever written on the Impact of the AI Act on image and video forensics! 😏
🌍 Martina, thank you for helping organize many of the 70 events we have been participating in internationally and for designing our graphics, including those for DeepPlate and Amped Connect.
🕸️ Caio, thank you for continuously improving our website and blog architecture and for your humble attitude toward the hardest challenges of web development.
📢 Carolina, thanks for checking the stats of hundreds of posts on various social media (especially the almost 200 we published on LinkedIn) and working on the Advent Calendar.
🤝 Chiara, thanks for handling the cooperation with our almost 70 distributors and traveling around at many events.
📃 Marco, thanks for coordinating the Hybrids team, and continuously advancing the state of the art in forensic research by co-authoring four scientific papers in a year on HEIF Forensic Analysis and double compression, Forensic Image Restoration Workflow, Shadows and Reflection Analysis on AI-generated images.
🪲 Sam, thanks for spotting the nastiest and more hidden bugs and avoiding them from reaching the customers. And for pointing out things others may have overlooked.
💃 Abel, thanks for creating our muy popular tutorial videos of Amped FIVE in Spanish and for your help on Spanish-speaking markets.
🦸♀️ Evelin, thanks for getting from zero to hero about video in just a few months.
🗺️ Stefano, thanks for traveling around the world to spread knowledge of video forensics, in a good part of the 80 training sessions we did in one year.
📺 Lucy, thanks for taking over the Filter Friday videos series and the excellent technical support you provide to our users.
📸 Alex, thanks for becoming our AI image generation guru and finding new applications for our products.
📍 Friz, thanks for presenting our tools at many events we did all over the world, and coordinating the work of colleagues in support, covering more than 2000 cases over this year.
🪞 Massimo, thanks for studying and publishing the mathematical model behind the innovative Reflections filter in Amped Authenticate.
🤘 Simone, thanks for your tireless contribution to improving the user interface of our products and the passion you put into trying hard to crash them.
🕵️♀️ Kay, thanks for the great technical support offered to hundreds of our users and the attention you put into software validation.
🕺 Emi, thanks for spreading your enthusiasm at parties, gatherings, and – of course – on the software updates videos. And being a jack of all trades. Too many things to list.
🧌 Antonio, thanks for your contribution to connecting the technical and commercial aspects (and, of course, being the author of the lamest jokes in the company).
🤓 Spready, thanks for writing the huge Video Formats and Conversion series and being ALWAYS present for our community on Discord.
💿 Danny, thanks for redesigning the Amped Engine framework, which allowed much faster research and development on proprietary video files, supporting 90 new formats in a single year!
🤠 Blake, thanks for coordinating the Cowboys team and improving the field of video forensics in the US with your enthusiasm and your knowledge. And doing a bit of everything else.
👌 John, thanks for working on almost 500 support cases for our US and Canadian users, and for branching out to teach your first (and eventually your eighth) FIVE class.
✅ Cortney, thanks for smoothly organizing the many events and training we participated in North America this year, and making sure all our books, and lives, are in order.
🛫 Blaine, thanks for always being on the road representing us at many of the dozens of events we participated in North America this year, and making every contact excited about what we do.
👩🏫 Melissa, thanks for traveling everywhere to speak about forensic video analysis, at more than 20 training sessions and conferences in a year, all while pitching in on technical support, Discord, and so much more!
Of course, huge final thanks go to YOU, our users, partners, and supporters… and to everyone who fights and works every day to make this world a brighter place and believes in justice through science.
Happy holidays and a great 2025 to you all! 💪