Upcoming Amped Software Training: Book Your Seat Now for 2020!

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Official Amped Software training courses for 2020, delivered worldwide, are already filling up! Book your seat now to guarantee your attendance at one of the upcoming classes – we will be adding more dates and locations soon!

Please note that official Amped Software training courses are only those listed on our website and conducted by Amped Software personnel. We do not endorse or certify other people or companies to perform training on our products.

We provide the following courses in the USA, Canada, Italy and at customer premises worldwide:

Forensic Image and Video Enhancement with Amped FIVE

This course is recommended for users who recently purchased Amped FIVE and for those who want to gain hands-on experience from Amped officials trainers. Students will learn the fundamentals of image and video analysis and the issues faced when using digital multimedia evidence in investigations. The course is a mixture of lecture and hands-on with many practical exercises to solve real or simulated cases using Amped FIVE. Students will obtain the knowledge and skills required to properly analyze and process images and videos with a workflow compatible with forensic needs and constraints.

Amped FIVE Additions

This is a new and evolving course designed for analysts previously trained in Amped FIVE. Due to the speed of development at Amped Software, it has been identified that within 12 – 18 months, a user may require a ‘top-up’ to their training. This is a refresher course that allows users to better understand the newly released filters and functionalities of Amped FIVE to ensure the correct interpretation of data and learn to use the new tools to their full advantage. During the course, we look at advanced techniques and concepts for some of the original filters, such as aspect ratio correction and photogrammetry. In addition, we also look at particular cases and discuss, view and analyze challenges faced in forensic image and video analysis. The course is designed on a modular system, allowing a bespoke personalized schedule dependent on when the original training was received.

Forensic Image Analysis with Amped Authenticate

This course is recommended for users who recently purchased Amped Authenticate and for those who want to acquire training in the techniques necessary to perform authentication analysis on digital images in a forensic science setting as well as to package, deliver, and present those findings in court. The course is a mixture of lecture and hands-on. Students will obtain the knowledge and skills required to properly analyze digital images with a workflow compatible with forensic needs and constraints.

Contact us today for more information about our training offerings and scheduled classes.

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