Come meet us at the IAI International Educational Conference in Reno

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We are happy to announce that Amped Software will be presenting and exhibiting at the IAI International Educational Conference, taking place from Sunday, August 11 – Saturday, August 17, 2019, at the Peppermill Resort and Conference Center, in Reno, Nevada, USA.

The IAI Conference is the largest organized event in the world that provides a full week of high quality, cutting edge education and hands-on training in forensic physical evidence examination and crime scene processing.

You will be able to join lectures on the latest technology, techniques, and research, sign up for limited space hands-on workshops to practice basic to advanced skills, and attend meetings and panels that provide an opportunity to discuss the latest professional topics and developments. Attendees will have the opportunity to experience a full week of professional, scientific and technical lectures in the disciplines of Biometric, Bloodstain Pattern, Crime Scene, Digital, Facial Identification, Footwear and Tire Track, Forensic Art, Photography, DNA, Ten Print and Latent Print Evidence.

The IAI Conference is the best place for experts in these fields to stay up to date on the latest techniques, technologies, and issues in forensic science, and to learn more about quality assurance, standards developments, and the most comprehensive forensic certification program in the world.

Come see us at Booth 521 to learn about Amped Software’s latest technology for your forensic image and video analysis needs.

And don’t miss the following presentations from Amped Software’s Blake Sawyer, Technical Sales, Support and Training for North America.

W043 – Using FFmpeg for video playback and analysis
Friday, August 16
10:00 AM 

W047 – Digital video files under a microscope: Understanding the binary composition of digital video file formats
Thursday, August 15
8:00 AM

For more info and to register click here.

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