What’s in a Name? How to Rename in Amped FIVE

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Reading time: 3 min

I’ve been on the road a lot lately. By the end of this month, I’ll have spent two weeks with District Attorney’s Offices in New Jersey (US) training users in the many uses of Amped’s flagship product, Amped FIVE. Every user has a slightly different use case and needs. Prosecutors’ Offices are no different.

Field personnel / crime scene technicians / analysts might not be very concerned with trail prep and the creation of demonstratives for court. But, DA’s offices are. That being said, there are a few things that every user of Amped FIVE can do – beginning with the end in mind – to make the trial prep job a bit easier.

Hopefully, by now you know that you can rename processing chains in Amped FIVE to aid in your organization.

Right click on the Chain and select Rename Chain. Then, name it something unique that describes what you’re working with or the question you’re trying to answer in the file. Examples include camera number, vehicle determination, license plate determination, etc.

This is quite helpful. But, did you know that you can also rename the Bookmarks? Additionally, you can add a description to the bookmark. Let’s see what this looks like.

Right click on the bookmark. Select Edit Name. Give it a name that describes what the bookmark is meant to illustrate.

To edit / add the description, right click on the bookmark. Select Edit Description. Add some details that help the reader to know what they’re looking at.

This information is then added to the report when the report is generated.

You have the “title” of the image at the top (from Edit Name). Plus a description at the bottom (from Edit Description). You still have the bookmark’s reference.

The bonus to working this way, to putting the questions and answers in the text, is that the text is searchable within your records management system (RMS).

If you’d like to know more about our tools and training courses, contact us today.

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