Meet Amped at the F3 Annual Workshop (UK)

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If you follow us you already know that we will offer an Amped FIVE Workshop at the LEVA conference next week in Florida.

Well, if you happen to be on the other side of the pond, you can still enjoy our session at the F3 Annual Workshop.

For those of you who don’t know F3, this is how they describe themselves on their website.

The First Forensic Forum (F3 for short) was originally founded in the 1990s. Since its inception it has always had the same goal, which is summarised in our “mission statement” :

F3 exists to provide an open forum for all forensic computing practitioners, to enable them to share their collective knowledge through discussion and training.

I will participate at their annual conference on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of November at the Tortworth Court Four Pillars Hotel, Wootton Under Edge, South Gloucestershire (UK).

Our workshop, titled “Forensic Image & Video Analysis: Enhancement & Authentication” will be held on Wednesday November 4th from 16:10-17:00.

See you there?

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