12 Updates in 9 Months! What Do You Want Next?

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A few days ago we just released an update to Amped FIVE and Amped Authenticate, but this time we thought it was time to recap what has been done so far in 2014.



As you know, we strive to always update our products with the latest algorithms and improvements to the user interface. Many of our users send us requests for new features and suggest how to better improve our software. We cannot do everything immediately, but very often suggestions can be quickly applied. The result is a very impressive release cycle; in 2014 alone we released already 7 major updates to Amped FIVE, which now offers the following major features (in addition to a lot of bug fixes and smaller improvements):


Amped Authenticate has been released less than one year ago but is already becoming the de facto standard for forensic image authentication. So far we have released 4 different updates for Amped Authenticate this year. The main changes are under the hood since we are building the foundation for major new features, like more advanced batch processing, third party systems integration, and support for complex project formats and automatic report generation, like in Amped FIVE. The major improvements have been the following:

  • Improved algorithms for clone detection which allows users to find most of the duplicates in the image.
  • Improved file format analysis with automatic warning for about one hundred known photo editing applications.
  • Added Histogram Equalization tool with optional local mode, which allows the user to better visualize traces of tampering.
  • Added JPEG HT filter to display and compare Huffman tables of JPEG files.
  • Update of Flickr, Google and TinEye integration to keep up with API changes.
  • Improved documentation and a wide collection of samples.


We strive to make our products always more complete, trying to meet all the possible needs of forensic image and video analysis. So, if you have any ideas for new features please send them our way at IWantThis@ampedsoftware.com and we will add them to the list for future development.


Over the past few months we released so many updates and new features that we thought it was worth a recap (especially since, as you know, budget time is coming!).

Thank you for being our valued customer and for your trust and interest in our products and company. We promise to continue to be ahead of the game and provide you with innovative tools to help you during your investigations.

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