MAVEN Project Researches New Image and Video Authentication Technologies

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We are proud to reveal that the European project MAVEN, in which Amped Software participates as a partner, has reached its first development milestone.

The first stage of the project, recently concluded, has been focused on the specification and development of the first functional versions of the tools that will integrate the future MAVEN suite for management, authentication and verification of multimedia contents. At present, the tools are being internally tested with promising results.

Amped Software and the rest of the MAVEN team will travel to Brussels next week, to present the results and to undergo a first assessment by the European Commission. Our objective in this project is to obtain new technologies for image and video authentication, which could improve the performance of our products and allow us to launch new tools. 

MAVEN is a European project funded by the Seventh Framework Programme under the “Research for the benefit of SMEs” scheme. The main goal of the project is the development of an efficient and scalable toolset for search, authentication and verification of multimedia contents, a product which is not yet available in the market and that will benefit law enforcement agencies, broadcasting companies and content producers, among others.

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