Amped FIVE Update: Export video and export to PDF, better deblurring and more curves options

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Reading time: 4 min

We have just released a new Amped FIVE update. Among minor improvements and bug corrections, these are the major new features.

Export Video

Export video allows you to render the current video as a file without the need of adding a “Video Writer” filter to the current chain. But there’s more, it is now possible to fully customize the output settings using system codecs. We support all codec frameworks available on Windows: FFmpeg, Video for Windows, DirectShow and QuickTime. Just be aware that some of the codecs installed on your system may appear as available, but they may be not enabled to write files or may not support the current resolution or frame rate. If some of the codecs fail, that’s the reason.

To access Export Video go to the menu “File“ > “Export Video…”. Below you can find some screenshots of how it appears.



On this machine, there are many codecs installed, so there are quite a few options (the options depend on what is installed on your machine):


Export PDF

Export PDF saves all the video frames to a PDF. You can set the number of frames to put on a page and optionally caption the frame number or the timestamp. Another useful feature that allows to speed up your reporting time on boring tasks!

To access Export Video go to the menu “File” > “Export PDF”


These are the available settings.


And this is a sample of the output, shown in Adobe Reader (Adobe Reader is trademarked by Adobe Systems, Inc.):


More precise control on deblurring parameters

Now it’s possible to set for motion and optical deblurring decimal blur size, giving you a much finer control on the restoration process. When you click on the spin controls the normal step is one unit, but if you press CTRL or SHIFT while changing the value the step will be modified:

  • SHIFT: the step will be 10
  • CTRL: the step will be 0.1
  • CTRL + SHIFT: the step will be 0.01

Of course, these modifiers work with all filters that accept numbers.


Less artifacts on image borders with deblurring

We added some options to the deblurring functions, which allow to reduce ringing artifacts on the borders of a picture subject to deblurring. In addition to the “Periodic” mode which was the method used in the previous versions, there are also the “Symmetric” and “Edge Tapering” modes. You can see in the samples below how much better is the result on the borders of the image if compared to the first picture.





New options for Curves

It is now possible to choose how to interpolate the points in the Curves filter. The new settings allow a behavior more similar to that of Photoshop (selecting Cubic Spline) or to that of GIMP (with Hermite Cubic), which was the default method in previous version. In the pictures below you can see how the curves changes, given the same control points, with the different options.


Other user requested improvements

We also corrected some small annoyances that were reported by users in the previous version.

One common issue was that, while navigating the video with the slider of the “Player Panel”, the user could accidentally move the mouse over the “Frame Rate” slider, changing the frame rate and losing the focus from the navigation slider. This has been fixed now.

Several users reported the fact that the selection of filter groups in the “Filters Panel” sometimes was not working. Actually that was due to a technical trick that we adopted to avoid accidental selection of another groups while moving the mouse to select the filter on the right. The actionable area is only the leftmost part of the name of the filter group. This area now has been increased and should be big enough to avoid the problem. To better understand how it works, we have prepared an explicative picture.


Update now!

If you still have an active support plan you can update Amped FIVE going into the menu “Help” > “Check for Updates Online”. And check out also Authenticate, there will be soon a quite consistent update for that, too!

If you have any question or need help in updating the software, please feel free to contact us.

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