Send Images from Amped FIVE to Word and PowerPoint

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Reading time: 2 min

We just released an update to FIVE with a lot of improvements, bug corrections and customer requested features.

Despite FIVE having very advanced and automated reporting capabilities, it’s undeniable that most of us use very often Word, PowerPoint and other programs to show our results to courts, customers and colleagues. They could be simple investigative reports or some tutorials for explaining how to work with images and video.

I do it daily and I was sick of saving pictures and importing them in other various applications, so we added a very convenient way to interact with third party programs.

In the latest version of Amped FIVE (release 5989), if you right click on the Save Snapshot button in the Player Panel of FIVE you will have access to new settings for the Save Snapshot button.

save snapshot options


These are the available options:

  • Save Image (Automatic Filename): the displayed image is saved in the default path, along with the current project file needed to recreate the image from scratch.
  • Save Image (Selected By The User): like above, but the user can select the filename and folder of the file.
  • Send Image To Clipboard: the displayed image is copied to the system clipboard to be pasted in other applications.
  • Send Image To Word: the displayed image is copied in the currently opened Word document.
  • Send Image to PowerPoint: the displayed image is copied in the currently opened PowerPoint document.

Additionally, there’s another new option. Sometimes you don’t want only the current image but the whole FIVE interface showing the working environment. We’ve also got this covered with the following options that can be combined with the above saving mode.

  • Current Image: saves the currently displayed image alone.

a table

  • Current Window: saves the full Amped FIVE interface.

amped five interface

  • Full Screen: saves the whole screen.

amped five interface

The last selection is kept in memory so the next time you simply click the button Save Snapshot it will be reapplied.

Imagine how useful it is the combination of these features: you can show and explain step by step in a document or presentation, all the operations done with FIVE.

Enjoy. The best has yet to come!

Disclaimer. Word and PowerPoint are trademarks of Microsoft and are not included with Amped FIVE.

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