Amped Milestone integration and photo authentication at NATIA.

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We’ll be present as exhibitors at NATIA Pacific Chapter Meeting in Pasadena, CA, USA on April 16.

Jim Hoerricks, from the Forensic Video and Image Analysis blog, will present two technical workshops about some special features of our products.

1. FVA of native IP cam (Milestone) footage with AmpedFIVE (2 hours)
With the roll-out of IP cameras, it goes without saying that some of the footage will need to be enhanced or clarified. This session will illustrate how Amped FIVE can work with the native Milestone files that come from cameras like Axis (the most popular cameras in the law enforcement arsenal) as well as work with the live feed, dialing into the camera/server directly and performing enhancements to the live feed.
2. Authentication of digital images (2 hours)
Programs like JPEG Snoop and FourMatch are based on a database of camera signatures. Thus, they are not effective in authenticating images from social media, DVRs, or deleted images carved from cell phone data dumps. Contextual authentication – has the image been altered through cut/paste or delete – is at the heart of most requests for authentication of digital images in our courts. This session will illustrate the many domains of contextual authentication using Amped’s Authenticate.

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